Just a quick update on my recent appointment yesterday. Everything looks good! I had my glucose screening done (I'll find out in a few days about that) and some blood drawn. The doctor began to talk to me about pediatricians and birthing plans -- geez. Can you believe its getting so close that you have to talk about that stuff? He said he'd talk more about that at the next appointment -- so we'll see! At that next appointment, we will have another ultrasound to measure the size and weight of the baby and he said he should be able to make a prediction of the baby's birth weight then.
The doctor also measured my stomach. Now... let me tell you, I typically cringe when someone comes at my waistline with a tape measure, but this was different. No sucking in, no nervous twitches, no puddles of sweat... just a belly I was proud of and so was the doctor! He said everything looked great!
We have been working alot on the nursery too. It is really coming together - Hope to post some pictures soon!
Next appointment: May 1st