Thursday, February 24, 2011

Charlottes Stamp of Approval.

Here's what Charlotte was doing the other morning while we got ready for work/school. Looks like Sullivan has been initiated into the princess in training club. Princess Charlotte has obviously given her the stamp of approval.

Oh my heavens...

I sure do love my girls!

Spa Day!

As any good mother should do, I took Charlotte for her first real "spa day" -- well, spa hour. Enough to get her nails done for the first time professionally! She is so in to having her nails painted and getting her hair done and what not that I thought this would be the best treat! So, I took her to "The Diva" here in Hickory so she could get the special they have for little girls called, "My Little Cupcake". Also because I had a coupon there.... but that is besides the point.

"My Little Cupcake" gives you the option of mani, pedi, or both (we opted for just the mani since its not toe-showin' weather yet) and you get to pick two colors. For polka-dots, of course. Then you pick a scent (chocolate, strawberry, or something else...) and the proceed to scent all your nail products with that scent! Charlotte chose chocolate. She had the works... cuticles, trim the nails, buffing, lotion massage and polish! She was in girly heaven.... and she smelled yummy. I think we could get used to this. However, one thing I don't think she cared for was the dryer. Having to sit there for what seemed like the longest 4 minutes of her life was just too long for her to go without admiring her freshly painted digits. She has already asked when we are going back!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


A weekend filled with family is pretty much Charlotte's favorite thing. Especially when it involves her cousins, Alex and Nick. LRU was chosen to have their women's basketball game televised on CBS Sports and we decided to make an appearance. Charlotte rocked her White Out game shirt and waved the rally rag for the camera! Sully got a free ride in the bjorn and waved the rally rag a little bit herself too.
We were excited to watch the boys for Uncle Alan and Aunt Suz on Saturday night - especially Charlotte. Evvvvvvery 5 minutes... "are Alex and Nic-Nic coming over?" As the boys arrived and they all ate their happy meals, the boys began to play with their Beyblades... yeah, i don't know... boy stuff apparently. Anywho - Charlotte kept asking, "Hey guys - wanna play wit me?" Sweet Alex always answers, "sure". Charlotte squeals... "I'll get my ARIEL!!"

Legos and coloring seems to be the happy middle ground - Charlotte had a blast and was exhausted!! Little did she know we were all getting together the next day for the Super Bowl! Round 2 of cousin copy-catting made for another tired little girl Sunday night.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Future Weather Girl

Happy Groundhogs Day! Sporting her handmade groundhog mask and holding her current snack of choice -- its Charlotte!

the latest and greatest.

Sullivan had her 4 month check up today - she is a bit over 4 months, but all the same. She is a healthy happy baby! Holding strong at 18 pounds even and 27 and 1/4 inches long! Whew! Doc said everything looked wonderful.

Here is how I found the girls the other day -- melt my heart.
There are so many things to take in about this pic...

- The Ariel (little mermaid) necklace on the floor that was singing Ariels song as background music.

- Sullivans foot touching Charlotte's leg -- what you can't see is how C was actually rubbing her foot while she reads.

- Which is what Charlotte is doing... reading to Sullivan. Well, "telling her version of the book" is more like it.

- Then there is the baby doll on the couch which I was told was "listening to story-time" as well.

- Oddly enough, C says the baby dolls name is Sullivan as well... small world.

- And, lastly - there is the crown Charlotte is wearing. Why? No - more like, why not?

It was the perfect story-time!

Just me and my curl.