Saturday, June 23, 2007

Tick Tock Tick Tock....

Yep -- still here. Still no baby.

Everything is going well, and I still feel good - but this waiting is rediculous!! I have been having light contractions - but nothing to write home about. Well, I guess you have to start somewhere!

Its almost time... I think!!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Hush Little Baby

Here are some much requested pictures of the nursery... I personally don't think the pictures do it justice! We love it!! As you will see - Fern (pictured with her "baby") is ready to become a big sister!

I have been going to the doctor each week - and everything looks to be right on track. The doctor has told us what to be waiting on and looking for... how crazy that it could happen any day!!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Place your bets!!

Here are a few recent pictures to help you along... go ahead - make a guess... Boy or Girl??

Well -- just under 3 weeks now! We are on the final countdown! The doctor says everything looks great, and I am right on track. The bag is being packed, the nursery is almost ready, and maternity leave has been approved!! If you are feeling lucky - take a guess at the arrival date while your at it!