Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Let the countdown begin!

It is official! We are moving to Hickory, NC at the end of September! Some of you already knew this -- and some of you may be falling out of your chairs right about now, but its true! I (MM) have accepted a job at The Jackson Group taking over Marketing and Wes will continue to work for Ivoclar Vivadent. With his job being in sales, he will be better suited in NC for his territory (NC, SC, parts of VA and TN). This will be a great move for our family. Wes will usually have less time on the road, Charlotte will be close to family (cousins, grandparents, and great grandparents... from both sides!) and Mary-Margaret and Wes both have amazing opportunities to further grow in their career goals and dreams. Yes, we will miss Charleston a great deal, especially our friends here, but we are lucky to have friends that will be there no matter where we live! Wes will also continue to have his clients in Charleston, so hopefully we can vacation here...like everyone else does!

So - stay tuned as we will be embarking on yet another exciting adventure! We'll have updates here and pictures as we get settled.

ps -- Charlotte is super pumped about the move.

School Days...

In support of her Uncle Brian - Charlotte (and her friends Dora and Swiper) were sporting some Pacific University gear. Uncle Brian (who is a professor and tennis coach there) and Aunt Laura gave Charlotte this shirt for her birthday! Red heads look good in red, huh? Go Boxers!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Little Miss Sunshine

She's so vintage.

Fresh North Carolina Air

We made a quick trip to Hickory this past weekend and spent some time with family. We had a great time and Charlotte loved being able to play with her cousins! While MM and Wes were getting ready one morning Charlotte got to explore the back yard with Mama Maggie and Papa Tony. She had so much fun with them and spent the rest of the weekend begging to be taken outside (she would see Mama Maggie let the dogs out and hold her arms up to go out too!) Here are some pictures from her adventures! Please note -- she is still in her PJs!

in the yard with Mama Maggie and the dogs

taking a dip with Papa Tony

admiring the flowers

of course they let her sit in the "wine barrel chair"! (just for you Uncle Brian and Aunt LaLa!)

Monday, August 4, 2008

What She Likes (for now):

- blowing kisses
- Icy Pops
- trying to walk!
- Dora (aka "back-pack")
- Brown Bear, Brown Bear book

Some words Charlotte is saying:
(note - actual word is first, then I'll write how it comes out)

SNACK - "nack"
THANK YOU - "tank uuuuuuu"
BROWN BEAR - "brow ba"
DOGGIE - "dog-giiiii"
DORA/BACK-PACK - "bak bak"
BYE-BYE - "biii-biii"
BALL - "baw"
MAP - "map"
DADDY - "da-da!!!"
MOMMY - "maaamaaaamaaa"