They suggested we bring over some Motrin anyway in case the pain came on stronger. So, we did and she survived the day. When I picked her up that afternoon, I walked in the room and she said, "Mommy mommy look!" as she held her heavily bandaged finger in the air. I said, "I heard about that... what happened?" Charlotte said, "C'mon Mommy... look" as she pulled me in the hallway to show me the scene of the incident. She pointed out the exact door where it happened and held her finger up to the hinge. I said, "We don't put our fingers in the door do we? That hurts!" She replied... "Charlotte funny!!". "No - no, Charlotte not funny" I had to say as I giggled on the inside.
So, things are fine now. The finger is healing nicely. It did look pretty gnarly there for a while. A little black and blue + pinched at the nail, but daily care has paid off! She has been great with it and loves helping with the "boo boo medicine". Here are a couple shots of the "bandaged wound". As you can see - she doesn't look too upset. Sorry for the poor quality - these are on my camera phone.
Stay tuned for new Fall/Halloween pictures!!!!