We are all getting in to our routines and daily grind once again... and it seems like Sullivan has been here all along! Daycare has been a great thing for Sullivan -- she comes home tired everyday! She gets great reports and seems to be adjusting so well. Charlotte loves to come in and drop her off on the way to her class. She has been such an amazing big sister! Loves to help, listens well, and is so gentle and sweet to Sullivan. We are so lucky to have been blessed with two amazing girls!
This past weekend we went to the downtown Hickory holiday tree lighting. Nice cool night with Santa and Mrs. Claus at a distance... Charlotte says she wants to go see the "real Santa" later. The one that comes after Thanksgiving! She is going to be in a Christmas play at school and has been practicing her songs every night. She is very excited! She will also be riding on a float in the Claremont Christmas parade in a couple weeks with her dance class... stay tuned for pics!
We also went to the Science Center Saturday. Taking advantage of our new family membership! Charlotte loved it, of course, and Sullivan slept through the whole thing! We played for a bit in the science areas then made our way to the Aquarium. Charlotte loved the fish and wanted to stick her hands in the touch tanks, but only when the stingrays were on the other side! She asked me at every tank, "That's glass Mommy?" After confirming the glass was between her and the big fish, she would press her nose right up to it!
You may remember this picture from early 2009... and now again at the end of 2010. My how times have changed!

And the true sign of a good day...

Also - here is a nice alert pic of Sullivan early one morning...

Sullivans next doc appointment is coming up next week -- so I'll bring back the stats then! Have a Happy Thanksgiving! We are truly grateful for such sweet red-heads in our lives!