Sunday, April 11, 2010


Enjoying the evening outside -- and the discovery of dandelions (Charlotte calls them suckers).

We had a great weekend that included things like a fundraiser walk, face painting, a baseball game, family dinner night, and Charlotte and daddy day on the golf course! Also - in the effort to go a little greener and save a little money, MM experimented with making her own all natural laundry detergent today. Stay tuned to see if it worked! Hope you enjoyed your springtime too!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Hippin' and hoppin'.

Charlotte really got in to the whole Easter thing this year. She learned a lot about it in school and the "I'm going to tell the Easter Bunny you are being bad" threat works too! She redeemed herself and "he" came to visit her leaving a trail of eggs from her room to the loot. Charlotte picked them up one by one very carefully until she saw the Easter basket... then it was forget the eggs! That bunny sure did know what she likes. Princess book, Ballerina Dora coloring book, Scooby Doo toy and shirt, mermaid Barbie, Kai Lan shirt, dance clothes, Pete's Dragon, hairbows and socks!

Of course the Annual Egg Fight tradition had to take place -- and for all you wondering -- yes, Mary-Margaret won... again. Second year in a row! Charlotte and MM colored eggs for it the day before and had the match right after checking out the bunny

Hope you all had a wonderful Easter and got to enjoy some time with your loved ones!