Things have been nice and routine for the Bakers lately. Work, school, and play! Work for mommy and daddy - school and play for Charlotte! Charlotte went recently with daddy to play disc golf - she loves anything with daddy. As you can see - on the disc golf course, no one cares what you are wearing and sometimes the sillier the better.

Charlotte also gone to some summer birthday parties

But, mostly, mommy tries to stay cool in the air conditioning. I'm 34 weeks pregnant and the baby is still breech and still being a pain... not a kid that's a pain - just causing me pain! Its not the best feeling... however, i am sadly getting used to it. The doc has been monitoring me quietly to make sure I am staying healthy - as I have been steady losing weight each visit. The baby is measuring perfect and on target - but my appetite is just not up to par. No one is concerned, but I wish the baby would listen to mommy already! "FLIP!!!"
Once a week visits after my appt this coming week. Tick tock tick tock... getting closer!