Sullivan had her 4 month check up today - she is a bit over 4 months, but all the same. She is a healthy happy baby! Holding strong at 18 pounds even and 27 and 1/4 inches long! Whew! Doc said everything looked wonderful.
Here is how I found the girls the other day -- melt my heart.
There are so many things to take in about this pic...
- The Ariel (little mermaid) necklace on the floor that was singing Ariels song as background music.
- Sullivans foot touching Charlotte's leg -- what you can't see is how C was actually rubbing her foot while she reads.
- Which is what Charlotte is doing... reading to Sullivan. Well, "telling her version of the book" is more like it.
- Then there is the baby doll on the couch which I was told was "listening to story-time" as well.
- Oddly enough, C says the baby dolls name is Sullivan as well... small world.
- And, lastly - there is the crown Charlotte is wearing. Why? No - more like, why not?
It was the perfect story-time!