UGH!! Luckily, I am writing this on the tail end of a nasty little cold. I am talking everything in me has been clogged from the chin on up. I have literally "blown" our house out of any soft or semi-soft substances. Wes had to stop on his way home from work to buy more kleenex, toilet paper, AND paper towels!! I do feel better now, but its been a heck of a ride. Finally some relief. Just to give you an idea of what I have felt like over the past 3 days - I have attached a picture. Sesame Street fans will remember.
This was just a cold, so everything baby-wise is going great. We have or next appointment February 7th - just after my return from a conference in Spartanburg, SC. Nothing much else to report, just work and a little bit of play here and there.
And, yes -- for those of you who have asked and those of you thinking it... I am growing quite the little belly. At time of publishing this blog, I have had only one moment of pity to Wes. I came down the steps in a new maternity shirt and asked with teary eyes, "Wes... do I look fat??" Being the quick thinking husband that he is, he replied with a hug, "No honey, you look pregnant". I quickly backed away and stated, "And there is a difference, RIGHT?"
After a couple pats on the belly from strangers, I have begun to flaunt it! We are having a blast preparing for the future! *less than a week until I am 20 weeks... halfway there!*