Monday, December 22, 2008

Santa and his dog.

She wasn't very interested in Santa this year. She didn't cry or scream or throw a fit, she just didn't want to sit there! Santa was a nice man and took no offense to her dis-interest in him.

I was so happy when we got in line because all she wanted to do was play and look at all the Christmas-y things. In fact, she cut in front of about 3 other families and headed straight for Santa! I thought - great - she is excited to see him! But, right before we got up there she was pulling away from us pointing at Santa only to say, "doggie! doggie!" I could now see that Charlotte had no interest in Santa - but only in the "stuffed" dog that sat beside him. So, when she was placed upon his lap, she knew she was so close to the doggie - but was being forced to sit on this man's lap! Squirmy!! So, we snapped a pic quickly, petted the doggie, and moved along.

However, the night before during the neighborhood Christmas party, Santa made an appearance and Charlotte touched his beard and nose, smiled at him, and also grabbed a candy cane from his bag of goodies. Obviously, no doggie was around Santa this time.

1 comment:

Rebec said...

We took Rubygail and Grayson to see Santa at the Hickory mall, too!