This weekend Charlotte got to visit the Science Center for the first time! Our science center also has an aquarium and planetarium... lots of hands on stuff and all around fun! Upon arriving, we found out that the "Explore It!" section (for children around Charlotte's age) was shut down temporarily for renovations. Well, we were already there and after inquiring about how much she could actually touch (because heaven forbid we try to keep from touching all this cool stuff), they told us everything was hands on for all ages. We said we'd give it a try!
We touched all the animal fur in the "dead animal room". My term - not theirs. Where we touched buffalo skin, all sorts of rodents, and Charlotte stuck her hand in a dead alligators mouth. Yeah - on to the next room. Then we made our way to the space exploration, Charlotte liked driving the camera rig on Mars, and making a tornado on the moon.

Then we were off to the 'motion' room. Everything has these golf balls and pool table balls to put on ramps and throw all around. She ate it up! Loved it! She quickly figured out the correct holes to put the balls in to make them spin - and proceeded to do this about 8 billion times.

Then we made way to the aquarium and touch tanks... huge hit!!! Charlotte made friends with the swimming turtle -- even gave him a kiss through the glass. Then we went to pet some other smaller turtles... they were telling the truth - everything is hands on!

Charlotte loved putting her hands in the water and letting the animals come and brush up against her! Brave girl... Mommy was so proud! Then - off to the shark and stingray tank.

Charlotte charges up to the tank, asks me to roll up her sleeves (consists of grunting and pointing to her elbows), and sticks her hands, actually up to her elbows, in the water! Here come the animals! The stingrays would brush up against her and she would just gigggggggggle. She loved it. Now, when the shark brushed up to her - I was a bit nervous that she would freak out a bit, but she laughed just the same - no sweat! Mommy's little Jacques Cousteau!!

She made a new friend outside -- with matching hair color... and then it was time to leave.

This is what the ride home looked like. She hated to leave!