Then off to bed with the little one... but we stayed up to watch the snow fall like giddy little kids! We awoke to a beautiful scene!
We had a few inches... enough to cover the ground and trees - and give us the day off work! MM's office was closed and Wes worked from home, so we decided to play in the snow a bit, then hole up in the house, watch the Inauguration and veg out! What a great family day!
Charlotte didn't quite know what to think about it. She liked crunching her feet on the sidewalk after having walked in the snow... and she liked watching Fern romp around in it. But, I think she was concerned with her mix-matched outfit. Who wouldn't be? Sorry Charlotte! Mommy and Daddy haven't been back in "NC mode" long enough to purchase a "snow outfit"! But, we made it work! A fun day had by all!
We actually saw a few flakes down here in Charleston! Rubygail tried to catch them but didn't have any luck. The snow pics are beautiful! I know that Charlotte loved it!
It was so nice to have a little bit of snow to play in! Charlotte is growing up so fast! We do need to get together and catch up. It's great that you guys are back in the area. I don't have your new number, do you still have mine?
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