Sunday, September 19, 2010

Like riding a bike.

Well, its been one week since we brought sweet Sullivan home. I honestly had no idea what to expect. Two kids? Would it be a big deal? How would Charlotte take it? Could we handle it? How much do I value my sleep? Do I remember how to change a diaper? When do they eat? When would I eat?

Truth is... it doesn't matter. Sullivan came at 7:54am and by oh, about 8:00am - we had it down pat. Just like riding a bike. We were "tickled pink" to have another little girl... its what we do best! Plus, helps with the transition. We have a Charlotte - so we have lots of clothes and toys for little ladies already!

We have been laying low this first week just to get ourselves adjusted. Charlotte is going to school each day and comes home asking for baby Sullivan first thing. She is such a good big sister. She always asks before "petting her" (as she says) and gives the best forehead kisses. She is also a pro at handing me the diaper when we are at the changing table.

Sullivan has proven to be a very good baby! With regular feedings and good sleep schedule, it appears we have lucked out again. Good babies for the Bakers! *knocking on wood* She had her 2 day appointment on Tuesday and the report was great! She was born at 9 lb 6oz, left the hospital at 8 lb 12 oz (average loss), and at her 2 day appt, she was back up to 9 lb 1 oz! Way to go girl! She'll have her 2 week appointment this Thursday.

We took a family outing to the park today to feed the ducks and get in some playground time. We've been saving some old bread to take to them and it was a gorgeous day! We fed the ducks, hit up the playground for a bit, then Charlotte and Daddy threw some discs (disc golf). Here are some pics:

I tell ya... Life is good!

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