Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Fair is a Veritable Smorgasbord...

Pardon the Charlotte's Web song reference... I can't help but think of it anytime I mention the Fair.  Which is exactly where we went!  To the Fair for a fun filled afternoon.  Now, I had not been to the fairgrounds in a loooong time.  Like high school long time.  I had several friends that played legion ball and I think that was the last time I was there!  No worries though -- it hadn't changed much.  Nor had the crowd in attendance... talk about "people watching"!  We did a pony ride, watched the pig races (!), and stocked up on the lemonade.  Then, as we were making our way to the rides, Charlotte spotted her best buddy from school, Daniel.  Daniel and his Mom, Dad, and sister were headed that way too.  Well, that was all it took... Lemonade, fair rides, and Daniel.  Charlotte was a happy girl the rest of the day.  Sullivan was a trooper in the stroller the whole time, but I think she'll be joining the "rides" as soon as she can!  I'm so glad Charlotte has the "roller coaster riding gene" from both me and daddy!  

pig races


How they walked all day... casually... right in front of me!  Come on Charlotte, give me a few more years!

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